Bioslimming is one of the strongest slimming programs available and is 50% stronger than other professional products. It’s unique formula combines a multitude of Plant & Algae Extracts, High Concentrations of Caffeine, Essential Oils and Thermo Agents. The active ingredients continue to work for 12 hours and continue to burn calories for 2 hours following application. The Thermo-Agents stimulate the lymphatic system and help burn fat through Thermo-regulation and induces Lipolysis (fat burning below skin’s surface) helping to fight rebel fat deposits and eliminating toxins. The treatment results in inch loss, on average 1 – 4cm per measured area following the treatment. The subsequent absorbtion of fatty acids and transportation of fat causes the “orange peel” roughness to disappear, dramatically reducing the appearance of cellulite and reducing adipose tissue. High levels of Caffeine which have been proven to dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite make BIOSLIMMING extremely effective in the battle against cellulite.


The Treatment

The treatment consists of 3 gels and 1 cream which are applied in a two stage process. The first step consists of Detox Base, Ultra Slim Gel & Ultra Slim Cream these products are massaged into the areas of concern, the treated areas are then covered with biofilm and the client relaxes for 40 minutes.

Stage 2 – the biofilm is removed and the Ultra Slim Effect is massaged vigorously into the areas being treated and the client relaxes for a further 20 minutes. There is no compression or manipulation of the tissues involved and the results are achieved due to the active ingredients contained within the products acting upon the tissues.




Course of 6

Bioslimming Body Wrap

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